Bachelors of Arts (B.A.)
Department of English
FYBA: Communication Skills in English
- To enhance language proficiency by providing adequate exposure to reading and writing skills.
- To orient the learners towards the functional aspects of language.
- To increase the range of lexical resources through a variety of exercises.
FYBA: Introduction to Literature (Elective Paper I)
- To acquaint students with the characteristics of various literary genres.
- To develop analytical skills and critical thinking through close reading of literary texts.
- To cultivate appreciation of language as an artistic medium and to help them understand the importance of forms, elements and style that shape literary works.
- To enable students to understand that literature is an expression of human values within a historical and social context.
- To write clearly, coherently and effectively about various genres of literature.
- To recognize the culture and context of the work of literature.
- To develop sensitivity to Nature and fellow human beings.
SYBA: Indian Literature in English (Elective Paper II)
- To introduce learners to the uniqueness of Indian Literature in English.
- To acquaint learners to the pluralistic dimensions of Indian Literature in English.
- To help them understand the different genres of Indian Literature in English.
- To familiarize learners with different perspectives of approaching this literature.
- To make learners aware of prominent Indian writers in English.
SYBA: American Literature (Elective Paper III)
- To acquaint the learners of literature with the various genres and literary terms of 20th century American Literature.
- To sensitize them to the themes and styles of American Literature.
- To introduce them to the socio-culture milieu of 20th century America through literary texts.
- To enhance their understanding of American, African-American and multi-culture sensibilities by introducing them to the literary works representing them.
- To facilitate cross-culture perspective and discussion on American literature.
TYBA: 16th to 18th Century English Literature (Elective Paper IV)
- To introduce students to English Literature of 16th to 18th
- To show them how background influences shaped the writer’s thinking.
- To present them to the literary masters to dominated the scene.
- To familiarize students with different writing styles that each age adopted.
- To understand the distinctive features of English literature of 16th, 17th and 18th
- To comprehend how background influences shaped the writer’s thinking.
- To recognize and appreciate the literary masters who dominated the scene.
- To grasp the different writing styles that each age adopted.
TYBA: Literary Criticism (Elective Paper V)
- To introduce the learners to important critical terms.
- To make them aware of the nature and function of literature and criticism.
- To impart the technique of close reading of literary texts.
- To enable them to understand various literary theories and critical approaches.
- To familiarize the learners with the tenets of practical criticism.
- Use some important critical terms.
- Become aware the nature and function of literature and criticism.
- Impart the technique of close reading of literary texts.
- Understand the various literary theories and critical approaches.
- Be familiar with the tenets of practical criticism.
TYBA: Grammar and Art of Writing (Elective Paper VI)
- To develop amongst learners an insight into the process of word formation and transformation.
- To develop amongst them an insight into the sounds, stress patterns and intonations in the English language to improve their speaking skills.
- To develop amongst them an insight into the structure of the English language and to provide knowledge of the rules of grammar.
- To help them learn grammatical analysis and description and the skills of sentence transformation.
- To introduce the mechanics of writing for effective writing for various domains.
- Gain a basic understanding of phonetics, morphology and word transformation
- Have improved speaking skills.
- Have developed adequate knowledge of the rules of grammar, grammatical analysis and sentence transformation.
- Write effectively in various domains.
TYBA: 19th Century English Literature (Elective Paper VII)
- To introduce to students the major trends and ideas in the literature and culture of the Romantic and Victorian Eras.
- To help students understand the texts in the context of prevailing socio-culture conditions and their historical, political location.
- To impress upon students the characteristically rebellious/ radical nature of British Romanticism and the stupendous range of changes in the socio-political conditions of Early (1837 – 1851), Middle (1851 – 1870) and Late (1870 – 1901) Victorian Era.
- To familiarize and highlight major representative texts, genres, thematic concerns and select key concepts/ terms pertaining to the respective periods.
- To help students apply a variety of critical, historical and theoretical approaches to prescribed literary texts.
- To sensitize students to diverse sensibilities and humanitarian concerns through literature of the nineteenth century.
- To view literary works in their dynamic interface with the background.
- To understand the literature of the 19th century as a complex outcome of artistic, intellectual and socio-political cross currents.
- To appreciate poetry as the mirroring private personality, protest and subsequently, public concerns.
- To view the development of the Victorian Novel as informed by Victorian morality as well as by larger democratic processes.
- To contextualize the impulses behind the significant emergence of women writing in 19th
TYBA: 20th Century British Literature (Elective Paper VIII)
- To expose students to literary genres, trends and literary movements of Britain in the 20th
- To enable students to create linkages between social and historical contexts and the literary texts.
- To train students to develop skills for critical and analytical understanding of texts.
- Students will be equipped with comprehensive understanding literary genres, trends and literary movements in 20th century British Literature; thereby, enabling them to understand the valuable co-relation between the socio-culture, economical and historical contexts; behind the literary production.
- Students will acquire the discipline to become reflective and imaginative thinkers through a close, critical and analytical reading of the prescribed texts.
TYBA: Drama and Theatre (Elective Paper IX)
- To acquaint the learners of literature with various types of drama.
- To sensitize them to the techniques and types of theatre.
- To identify and discuss the theoretical and practical elements of drama.
- To introduce them to drama as a performing art.
- To enhance their understanding of the elements of theatre.
- To enable the learners to critically watch a play, write a review and to put up a play.
- Analyze the social and artistic movements that have shaped theatre and drama.
- Apply discipline specific skills to the creation of drama.
- Analyze the difference between the concepts of drama and theatre.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the history of drama and theatre as a literature and performing art.
Department of History
History is a treasure trove of experiences so it is useful to student understand the past.We offer two years four semester programme course under Mumbai University. The Programme Specific Outcomes and the Course Outcomes of UG (S.Y.B.A.)in History. Programme started department classrooms at the beginning of the academic year. Discussing them (module wise) during the syllabus presentation (PPT) at the beginning of each semester.
On Completion of S.Y.BA (History) Students shall be able to:
1. Study the history of India (specially making of modern India and the struggle for independence) and landmarks in world history.
2. Understand the facts, chronology and the scope of Indian History.
3. Enable the students to understand the political, socio-economic and cultural developments in the period under study.
4. Have accurate knowledge of the most significant events and personalities of the period under study and encourage understanding of the making of the modern world.
5. Students should understand the value of diversity.
6. Knowledge of history is useful for competitive exams like UPSC and MPSC
मराठी विभाग
मराठी विषयाची उद्दिष्टे
***अनिवार्य मराठी प्रथम वर्ष कला***
- वाङ्मय प्रकारांची परिचय होणे.
- कथा या वाङ्मय प्रकाराचे स्वरूप माहीत होणे.
- भाषिक कौशल्यांचा परिचय व सराव होणे.
- कविता या साहित्य प्रकाराचे स्वरूप समजून घेणे.
- व्यावहारिक मराठी संदर्भातील विविध कौशल्यांचा परिचय करून घेणे.
फल निष्पत्ती:
- लेखनाचे विविध प्रकार माहीत होऊन ते त्यातील फरक समजतात.
- कथा कविता या साहित्य प्रकारांच्या बद्दल आस्था निर्माण होऊन लेखन करणे, संवेदना जाणणे.
- वृत्त लेखन, सारांश लेखन, इतिवृत्त लेखन, भाषांतर, अर्जलेखन अशा व्यावहारिक जीवनात कौशल्यांचा वापर करतात.
*** ऐच्छिक मराठी – प्रथम वर्ष कला
- नाटक या प्रकाराची माहिती होणे.
- मराठी नाटकांची परंपरा समजावून घेणे.
- प्रवास वर्णन याचे स्वरूप व महत्त्व समजावून देणे.
- नाटक या प्रकाराची माहिती करून घेतात.
- नाटक या या साहित्य प्रकाराचे व सादरीकरणाचे स्वरूप समजावून घेतात.
- प्रशासनाचे सर्व समजून घेतात व प्रवास वर्णन करतात.
***द्वितीय वर्ष कला***
अभ्यासपत्रिका क्रमांक 2
- कादंबरी व आत्मकथन या साहित्य प्रकारांचे स्वरूप समजावून घेणे.
- कादंबरी व आत्मकथन यांचे स्वरूप समजून घेतात व या दोन प्रकारातील फरक स्पष्ट करतात.
अभ्यासपत्रिका क्रमांक 3
- भाषेचे स्वरूप समजून घेणे व मराठीच्या बोली भाषांतील स्वरूप व भेद स्पष्ट करणे.
- आधुनिक भाषाविज्ञान नुसार भाषेचे स्वरूप समजावून देणे व विविध बोलींचा अभ्यास करून भाषेतील भेद स्पष्ट करतात.
***तृतीय वर्ष कला मराठी***
मराठी अभ्यास पत्रिका क्रमांक 4
मध्ययुगीन मराठी वाङ्मयाचा इतिहास
- मध्ययुगीन काळातील मराठी साहित्यातील संत पंत व शाहीर यांच्या साहित्याचे स्वरूप स्पष्ट करणे व तत्कालीन समाजातील त्यांचे महत्व विशद करणे.
- मध्ययुगीन मराठी साहित्यातील मराठी भाषा प्रारंभ ते शके अठराशे अठरा पर्यंतच्या विविध साहित्य प्रवाहांची माहिती घेतात व त्यांचे महत्त्व सांगतात स्वरूप स्पष्ट करतात.
मराठी अभ्यासपत्रिका क्रमांक 5
भारतीय व पाश्चात्य साहित्यशास्त्र
- प्राचीन आधुनिक साहित्यातील समीक्षेचे स्वरूप व कार्य समजावून देणे.
- प्राचीन भारतीय व पाश्चात्त्य साहित्यातील साहित्य संदर्भातील विविध सज्ञ संकल्पना स्पष्ट करून देणे.
- प्राचीन मराठीतील साहित्य संकल्पना व विविध अभ्यासकांची मते समजून घेतात.
मराठी अभ्यासपत्रिका क्रमांक सहा
साहित्य आणि समाज
- साहित्य समाज आणि संस्कृती या संकल्पना समजावून देणे.
- साहित्य समाज व संस्कृती यांच्यातील परस्पर संबंध स्पष्ट करणे.
- ग्रामीण साहित्य, दलित साहित्य, महानगरी साहित्य, स्त्रीवादी साहित्य, वास्तववादी साहित्य अशा विविध प्रवाहांची माहिती देणे व मराठी साहित्यातील या साहित्य प्रवाहांचे स्वरूप स्पष्ट करणे.
- साहित्य समाज आणि संस्कृतीचे स्वरूप समजावून घेतात व त्या अनुषंगाने विविध साहित्य प्रवाहांचा अभ्यास करतात.
मराठी अभ्यास पत्रिका क्रमांक 7
भाषाविज्ञान व व्याकरण
- आधुनिक भाषा विज्ञानातील विविध संकल्पना भाषा वैज्ञानिक दृष्टिकोनातून स्पष्ट करणे व मराठी भाषेचे व्याकरण माहीत करून देणे.
- आधुनिक भाषा विज्ञानातील भाषेच्या विविध संकल्पना समजावून घेतात व त्या अनुषंगाने मराठी भाषेचा भाषा वैज्ञानिक अभ्यास करतात तसेच मराठी व्याकरणाचा सूक्ष्म अभ्यास करतात.
मराठी अभ्यास पत्रिका क्रमांक-8
आधुनिक मराठी साहित्य
- आधुनिक मराठी साहित्यातील कथा कविता कादंबरी अशा विविध साहित्य प्रकारांचे स्वरूप स्पष्ट करणे व समकालीन साहित्याची माहिती देणे.
- आधुनिक मराठी साहित्यातील विविध साहित्य प्रकारांचे स्वरूप समजून घेतात तसेच समकालीन समाजाच्या जाणिवा समजून घेतात.
मराठी अभ्यास पत्रिका क्रमांक 9
व्यवसायाभिमुख मराठी
- भाषांतर, रूपांतर, अनुवाद, मुलाखत, ग्रंथ परीक्षण या व्यवसायाभिमुख कौशल्यांचे स्वरूप स्पष्ट करून देणे व विद्यार्थ्यांना कौशल्य आत्मसात करून व्यवसाय संधी उपलब्ध करून देणे.
- व्यवहारिक मराठी कौशल्य सोबतच भाषांतर रुपांतर, अनुवाद, मुलाखत, ग्रंथ परीक्षण ही व्यवसायाभिमुख कौशल्ये आत्मसात करून त्यांचा व्यवसाय नोकरी यासाठी उपयोग करतात.
Department of Economics & Political Science
F.Y B.A ECO- I Semester I & II.
- The learner will know about the theme of economics
- The learner will know about the Top ten principles
- The demand and supply situations in the real market
- Classification of market and price determination
- The concept of demand and the two important schools of thought in demand analysis
- The learner will Know about the concept of production through economics perspective
- The classification of markets and how the price of a commodity is determined in different markets.
S.Y.B.A ADVERTISING Paper I & II, Semester – III /IV
- To highlight the role of advertising for the success of brands and its importance within the marketing function of
a company.
- It aims to orient learners towards the practical aspects and techniques of advertising.
- It is expected that this course will prepare learners to lay down a foundation for advanced post-graduate courses in advertising
- Learners will know about Importance of Advertising in cooperative world.
- Learner will know about the Features, organization of Advertising agency.
- Learner will know about the Evaluation methods of advertising.
Department: Political Science
Sr. No. | Course Name | Expected Course Outcomes |
1 | Paper No. 1- Indian Political System And Indian Political Process | Knowledge about the Indian constitution as well as our political system and its mechanism |
2 | Paper No.2- Political Theory And Political values and Ideologies | The students will be familiar with the theories and principles of political science. |
3 | Paper No.3 – Public Administration And Indian Administration | The students will gain the knowledge about public Administration as well as Indian Administration. |
4 | Paper No. 4 – International Relations – World Politics And India in world Politics | Awareness will be created among the students regarding world politics and Role of India in it. |
5 | Paper No. 5 – Political Thought – Western political Thought And Indian Political Thought | Enrichment of thinking ability. Students can analyze the discrimination between Indian and western ideologies. |
6 | Paper No. 6 – Political Process in Modern Maharashtra And Determinants of Politics of Maharashtra | Students will well familiar with the party politics of Maharashtra and its political institutional mechanism |
Bachelors of Commerce (B.Com)
After completing three years for, students would gain
- To recognize features and roles of businessmen, entrepreneur, managers, consultant, which help learners to possess knowledge and other soft skills.
- Learners will be able to prove proficiency with the ability to engage in competitive exams like CA, CS, ICWA etc.
- Leaners will acquire the skills like effective communication, decision making, critical thinking and problem solving in day to day business organization.
- Learners can also acquire practical skills to work as an accountant, audit assistant and other financial supporting service
- Enable for higher education and advance research in the field of commerce and finance
- Equip with the knowledge of accounting process and preparation of final accounts of sole trader
F.Y. B. Com.: Commerce paper I & II (Semester I & II)
- To familiarize the students with basic concepts of business.
- To develop knowledge and understanding of business.
- To make students aware of current trends in business.
F.Y. B. Com.: Accountancy and Financial Management Paper I & II (Semester I & II)
The module aims at helping the students to understand
- Discuss nature meaning and objectives of accounting standard
- Difference between installment and hire purchase
- How to maintain books of recording under hire purchase installment method
- Concept of consignment accounting
- Calculation of manufacturing cost, gross profit and net profit of manufacturing concern
- Allocation of expenses or income and gains as capital, revenue or deferred revenue
- Understand introduction of insurance claims and construct practical problem on loss of stock
F.Y. B. Com. : Mathematical & Statistical Techniques
The objective of this course is to introduce Mathematics & Statistics to First Year Undergraduate students of Commerce, so that they can use them in the field of Commerce & Industry to solve the real life problems.
Expected learning Outcomes of the course:
- To acquire the basic skills in the Mathematical & Statistical studies.
- To use of Statistical data properly and logically.
- To use of Mathematics & Statistics in day-to-day life.
- To inculcate the research attitude among the students.
F.Y.B.Com.: Environmental Studies
- To inculcate the importance of environment in the minds of the students.
- To familiarize the students with the basic environmental concepts, their structure, functions and importance.
- To create awareness about the environmental issues and remedial measures for the same.
Learning outcome:
After the completion of the course the students will:
- Become aware of the importance of environment.
- Learn the environmental concepts which will create environmental obligations among them.
- Be aware about the environmental issues which will help to inculcate the importance of the conservation of
environment and nonrenewable resources.
- Students will get the knowledge of the fundamental and technical concepts of economics.
- To create awareness among students to critical thinking and problem solving.
- Students can able to understand markets, firm and industry structure.
- To learn the different price methods.
Learning Outcomes
After successful completion of the course a student will be able to
- Gain the knowledge about demand and supply, in graphical form, including the slope of the demand and supply
- Understand the links between production, costs, Market structure and price determination.
- Practically apply marginal analysis under different markets and help in decision making.
- Understand the causes and consequences of different market structures.
- Can understand product differentiation and importance of selling cost.
F.Y. B. Com.: Co-Operation
- To enrich the concept of cooperation and its significance among the students.
- To teach the need, structure and of cooperation.
- To develop the student mind set among working process of cooperation and various concept of cooperation.
Learning outcome:
After the completion of the course the students will:
- Student can able to analyzing the cooperation structure.
- Create awareness about cooperation to students mind.
- Create the opportunity of students to get start business with help of cooperation.
F.Y.B.Com: Business Eco –I & II Sem I & II
- The learner will develop the understanding of some basic concepts of Business economics.
- The learner will understand the decision making process in different market situations, to provide opportunity to
the students.
- The learner will deal with the advance theoretical issues and their practical applications and to make them realize that good knowledge of microeconomics is very much important for understanding the modern economy functions .
- The Lerner will know the concept of demand and Supply.
- The learner will know about the concept of production through economics perspective.
- The classification of markets and how the price of a commodity is determined in different markets.
S.Y. B. Com.: Commerce paper III & IV (Semester III & IV)
- To make the student aware of the concept of management and need for formal management education.
- To enable them to understand the evolutionary process of management thought.
- To introduce them to the various managerial functions and the principles behind practicing them.
- To acquaint the students with the recent changes in the field of management.
S.Y. B. Com.: Accountancy and Financial Management III and IV
- Preparation of final accounts in case of admission and retirement or death of partner.
- How the cash is to be distributed as and when received.
- Procedure of amalgamations and sale of partnership firms.
- Procedure of issue of shares and debentures and how preference shares and debentures can be redeemed.
- This subject also differentiate profit and loss prior period to incorporation and post incorporation
Group: Business Management
S.Y. B. Com.: Marketing Management I & II (Semester III & IV)
- To develop conceptual clarity of marketing management area at a fairly advanced level.
- To create marketing consciousness among students.
- To explain the macroeconomics relevance of marketing in a developing country like India.
Group: Financial Accounting and Auditing
S.Y. B. Com.: Auditing
- To explain the importance, types, limitations of audit from the point of view of a businessman and others.
- To describe effects of internal control system.
- To decide process of performing test check.
- To familiarize the students with the audit procedure, programme and plans.
- To aware about the various techniques of auditing like vouching and verification.
- Student will understand the concept of audit, various types of auditing, how to vouch various expenses and incomes and verification of assets and liabilities. 3. Student will understand to describe the different types of audit requirement in different situations.
- 2 Students will learn to adopt the accurate sampling techniques for the purpose of test checking.
- Student will understand the need for an independent or external audit.
S.Y.B.Com Business Eco paper.III & IV Sem III & IV.
- The learner will to impart the basics of macroeconomics.
- The learner will know theories of income and employment, discuss the theories of consumption, function and
investment, IS-LM model.
- The learner will be aware of public finance system.
- Students will provide the analytical tools of macroeconomics.
- Learner will know about the sources of public revenue, Expenditure and debit
T.Y. B. Com.
Group: Financial Accounting and Auditing
Y. B. Com.: Financial Accounting
This course aims to enlighten the students on the accounting procedures followed by the
- To impart knowledge amalgamation, absorption and reconstruction of company
- To prepare the final accounts of companies
- To analyze the internal or external reconstructions of companies
- Explain meaning, needs, objectives of personal investment accounts, solve problem on personal investment accounting
- To understand the limits and procedure of buy-back of equity shares
- Learning Outcomes
- After conclusion of study the students will be able to:
- Prepare final accounts of company along with various adjustments
- Use the practical knowledge regarding amalgamation of companies, internal reconstruction etc.
- How to be bought back equity shares
T.Y. B. Com.: Cost Accounting
- To make aware about cost structure and cost elements.
- To understand various techniques and methods of cost accounting.
- To understand various aspects of material control & wastage.
- To understand various aspects of labor costing.
- To understand classification of overheads & methods of absorption.
- To understand the features of a cost-sheet & determining tender price.
- To understand various aspects of process costing along with joint and by-product
- Use methods of time-keeping & time-booking and manage idle & overtime
- Determine various levels of material i.e. reorder level, minimum level, maximum level
- Use methods of time-keeping & time-booking and manage idle & overtime.
- Use cost-sheet to compute unit cost of product
- Define the terms with regard to BEP analysis.
After conclusion of study the students will be able to:
- Define the various components of total cost of a product i.e. direct & indirect cost and fixed & flexible cost.
- EOQ for managing working capital.
- Define the features of overhead or indirect cost of production and basis of allocation and apportionment.
- Determine basis for computing tender price of a product.
- To understand the concept of standard and marginal costing.
- Calculation of contract cost and profit at each contract.
- Through variance analysis how to control the cost.
T.Y. B. Com.: Business Economics
- To familiarize the students with New Economic Policy, recent concepts and its importance in the economy.
- To familiarize the students with the importance of agricultural sector in Indian economy and innovative
Techniques used in agricultural sector.
- To develop the knowledge about Industrial, service, banking and insurance sector among the students.
- To introduce the Inter-national Trade and Trade related concepts and theories, Policies and International
- To impart the information about the international market and factors of international market, exchange rate.
After Completion of this course the student would be able to
- Students will gain the knowledge about the New Economic Policy and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
- Help in possessing the knowledge about the innovative marketing techniques of agro based products.
- Students will gain the knowledge about the job opportunities in the banking, insurance sector.
- Create awareness among the students regarding factors of international market, trade conditions, and Economic condition of a country.
Group: Business Management
T.Y. B. Com.: Management and Organization Development – I & II (Semester V & VI)
- To make the student aware of the universality of management and need for formal management education.
- To enable them to appreciate the evolutionary process of management thought.
- To introduce them to the various managerial functions and the principles behind practicing them.
- To acquaint the students with the recent changes in the field of management.
After the completion of the course the students are expected to :
- Acknowledge the need for formal management education.
- Acquire skills for becoming effective managers.
- Practice management principles wherever possible and utilize the available resources more productively.
Group: Banking and Finance
To provide the knowledge to Students about,
- Indian Financial system.
- Origin and Functioning Financial Market of India.
- About Indian stock exchanges.
- Various financial institutions.
- Banking legislation.
- After completion of this course the student will gain knowledge about Banking domain.
- Practically trading on Exchanges.
- Knowledge about various Financial Institution.
- Banking Technologies.
T.Y. B. Com.: Indirect tax
- Students will learn to define various types of indirect taxes like, excise duty, customs duty(import and export),production linked tax, and Value Added Tax (VAT) and its subsumed in one tax i.e, GST
- To inculcate the importance, working and applicability of GST.
- To impart the information about the exempted goods and services from GST.
- To impart the information of registration, computation, payment and return of GST
- Student will able to Compute the assessable value of transactions related to goods or services or both.
- Students will be able to calculate the GST for the given transactions related to goods or services or both.
- Student will able to understand the basic principles underlying the Indirect Taxation Statutes with reference to GST
- Student will able to understand Tax liability and taxable entities.
- Students will be able to understand the Place of supply, Time of supply of goods or services or both.
T.Y. B. Com.: Financial Management
- To develop the knowledge of sources and application business finance and financial management decision.
- To teach different techniques of analyzing of financial statements and problem solving skills.
- To teach a sense of responsibility and a capacity for financial management.
- To create an awareness of the global environment in which financial management operate.
- To teach different techniques of determining working capital, capital budgeting, marginal costing and managing receivables.
After Completion of this course the student would be able to
- Use business finance terms and concepts practically.
- Application of correct techniques for making financial management decision.
- Use the financial information tackle with the financial management problems with the help of advanced techniques.
- Students will be able to understand the need and importance of financial management.
T.Y. B. Com.: Export marketing
- To make the students understand the basic concepts of export marketing.
- To impart the information about the importance of product designing, Brand, Labeling and marking.
- To learn about the pricing methods at international market with reference to FOB pricing.
- To study the recent trends in export marketing.
- To study the documentations, procedures and policies for export marketing.
After completion of the course students will be able to:
- Understand the basic concepts of export marketing.
- Understand the need and benefits of product designing.
- Understand the significance of branding, labeling and marking for the purpose of export marketing.
- Understand the procedure, documents required and policies of export marketing.
1: To familiarize the learners with basic concepts of Entrepreneurship.
2: To Motivate learners to become Entrepreneurs and contribute towards Nation building.
- To impart the basic orientation towards the role of MSME.
- To understand the development of Entrepreneurship as a field of study and as a Profession.
- To understand the basic development of MSME.
- To understand the steps in starting a new business venture.
T.Y.B.Com Business Economics paper V&VI, Sem V& VI
- To create awareness about Indian economy
- The objective of this course is to acquaint the learners with International Economics.
- The syllabus is designed from traditional to modern, theoretical to analytical developments in International Economics.
- Learner will be acquainted to primary, secondary and service sector.
- Learners will know about various trade theories.
- Learners will know about Trade policy and its types, Foreign exchange market.
T.Y.BCom. I Semester I
Subject: Strategic Management – (Semester I)
- To introduce student to the subject of strategic management.
- To give them fair understanding of strategy formation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
- To familiarize students to corporate strategies, functional strategies and global strategies.
- To develop capabilities of the students to analyze cases and develop strategic solutions.
Department of Botany
Specific core discipline knowledge
- Students can recall details and information about the evolution, anatomy, morphology, systematics, genetics, physiology, ecology, and conservation of plants and all other forms of life.
- Students can recall details of the unique ecological and evolutionary features of the local and Indian flora.
Communication skills
- Students can communicate effectively using oral and written communication skills
Problem solving and research skills
- Students can generate and test hypotheses, make observations, collect data, analyze and interpret results, derive conclusions, and evaluate their significance within a broad scientific context
- To recognize and identify major groups of non-vascular and vascular plants and their phylogenetic relationships.
- To understand the phylogeny of plants and study various systems of
- To explore the morphological, anatomical, embryological details as well as economic importance of algae, fungi, bryophytes, Pteridophytes, gymnosperms and
- To understand physiological processes and adaptations of
- To provide knowledge about environmental factors and natural resources and their importance in sustainable
- To be able to carry out phytochemical analysis of plant extracts and application of the isolated compounds for treatment of
- To be able to deal with all microbes and the technologies for their effective uses in industry and mitigation of environmental
- To explain how current medicinal practices are often based on indigenous plant knowledge and to get introduced to different perspectives on treating ailments according to ethnomedicinal
- To understand patterns of heredity and variation among individuals, species and populations and apply principles for improvement of quality and
- To be able to apply statistical tools to gain insights into significantly different data from different
- To acquire recently published knowledge in molecular biology, such as rDNA technology; PTC and bioinformatics and their
Course Code – USBO501
Course outcomes:
The students would be able:
1. To gain knowledge about microbial diversity and techniques for culturing and visualization.
2. To understand the salient features of three major groups of algae, their life cycle patterns with a suitable example; to be able to identify them.
3. To learn the general characteristics and classification of two major groups of fungi along with life cycles of each group; to be able to identify them.
4. To understand the scope and importance of Plant Pathology and apply the concepts of various control measures of commonly widespread plant diseases.
Course Code – USBO502
Course outcomes:
The students would be able:
1. To acquire knowledge of different fossil forms and understand their role in evolution. 2. To provide plant description, describe the morphological and reproductive structures of seven families and also identify and classify according to Bentham and Hooker’s system. 3. To gain proficiency in the use of keys and identification manuals for identifying any unknown plants to species level. 4. To relate anomalies in internal stem structure with function and appreciate the salient features of the root stem transition zone. 5. To get exposure to pollen study and learn to apply it in various fields.
Course Code – USBO503
Course outcomes:
The students would be able:
1. To acquire knowledge about two important organelles and molecular mechanisms of translation
2. To understand water relations of plants, inorganic and organic solute transport, and apply the knowledge to manage mineral nutrition and survival in challenging abiotic stresses.
3. To understand succession in plant communities and study remediation technologies in order to apply knowledge acquired for cleanup of polluted sites.
4. To get exposure to principles and techniques of plant tissue culture and apply these studies for improving agriculture and horticulture and to become an entrepreneur.
Course Code – USBO504
Course outcomes:
The students would be able:
1. To get exposure to the technique of mushroom cultivation and explore the possibility of entrepreneurship in the same.
2. To learn ethno botanical principles, applications and utilize indigenous plant knowledge for the cure of common human diseases and improvement of agriculture.
3. To gain knowledge about the latest molecular biology techniques for isolation and characterization of genes.
4. To learn principles and application of commonly used techniques in instrumentation.
5. To gain proficiency in the monograph study and pharmacognostic analysis of six medicinal plants.
Course Code – USBO601
Course outcomes:
The students would be able:
1. To identify, describe and study in detail the life cycles of three Bryophytes.
2. To and study in detail classification and general characters of three classes of Pteridophytes and identify as well as describe the life cycles of one example from each class.
3. To study evolutionary aspects and economic utilization of Bryophytes and Pteridophytes.
4. To identify, describe and study in detail the life cycles of three Gymnosperms.
Course Code – USBO602
Course outcomes:
The students would be able:
1. To study contribution of Botanical gardens, BSI to Angiosperm study and provide plant description, describe the morphological and reproductive structures of seven families.
2. To gain exposure to a phylogenetic system of classification.
3. To gain insight into the anatomical adaptations of different ecological plant groups.
4. To understand development plant of male and female gametophytes, embryonic structure and development.
5. To understand the different aspects and importance of Biodiversity and utilize them for conservation of species so as to prevent further loss or extinction of Biodiversity and preserve the existing for future generations.
Course Code – USBO603
Course outcomes:
The students would be able:
1. To study various plants bimolecular structures and appreciate the structures, role, functions and applications of enzymes.
2. To gain insight into the Nitrogen and plant hormone metabolism with applications of the same in agriculture and horticulture.
3. To understand principles of genetic mapping , mutations and solve problems based on them, gain knowledge of various metabolic disorders and their implications.
4. To generate and test hypotheses, make observations, collect data, analyze and interpret results, derive conclusions, and evaluate their significance within a broad scientific context, using suitable statistical techniques.
Course outcomes:
The students would be able:
1. To gain insight into recent molecular biology techniques for DNA analysis and amplification and Barcoding techniques and applications therein.
2. To understand and apply tools of Bioinformatics for data retrieval and phylogenetic analysis.
3. To learn about the sources of economically important plants in the field of fats and oils and apply it for extraction, dealing with entrepreneurship in the field.
4. To gain knowledge and proficiency in preservation of post-harvest produce and explore the
Possibility of entrepreneurship in the field.
Department of Chemistry
- F. Y. B. Sc. (Paper – I and Paper – II)
- To infuse in the learner a spirit of inquiry into the fundamental aspects of the various core areas of Chemistry.
- To make the learner proficient in analysing the various observations and chemical phenomena presented to him during the course.
- Students will have a firm foundation in the fundamentals and application of current chemical and scientific theories including those in Analytical, Inorganic, Organic and Physical Chemistries.
- Students will be skilled in problem solving, critical thinking and analytical reasoning as applied to scientific problems.
F.Y. B. Sc. (Paper – I, Paper – II, Paper – III)
- To give the learner an opportunity to get hands on experience of the various concepts and processes in the various branches of chemistry.
- To impart various skills of handling chemicals, reagents, apparatus, instruments and the care and safety aspects involved in such handling.
- Students will be able to design and carry out scientific experiments as well as accurately record and analyse the results of such experiments.
- Students will be able to explore new areas of research in both chemistry and allied fields of science and technology.
F.Y. B. Sc. (Paper – I to Paper – V)
- To make the learner capable of analyzing and interpreting results of the experiments he conducts or performs.
- To make the learner capable of solving problems in the various units of this course.
- Students will be able to clearly communicate the results of scientific work in oral, written and electronic formats to both scientists and the public at large.
- Students will appreciate the central role of chemistry in our society and use this as a basis for ethical behaviour in issues facing chemists including an understanding of safe handling of chemicals, environmental issues and key issues facing our society in energy, health and medicine.
M.Sc. (Part I)
- To provide an insight into some of the fundamental concepts and principles that are very essential in the study of chemistry.
- To be able to define and resolve new problems in Chemistry and participate in the future development of Chemistry
- Students will acquire knowledge of problem solving, constructing equation, derivations etc.
- Students will acquire knowledge of introduction analytical new techniques.
Department of Computer Science
T.Y. B. Sc.
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) and accompanying tools and techniques bring transformational changes in the world. Machines capability to match, and sometimes even surpass human capability, make AI a hot topic in Computer Science. This course aims to introduce the learner to this interesting area.
- To provide learner with knowledge in Software Testing techniques. To understand how testing methods can be used as an effective tools in providing quality assurance concerning for software. To provide skills to design test case plan for testing software.
- To provide students with knowledge of basic concepts of computer security including network security and cryptography.
- To understand the details of web services technologies like SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI. To learn how to implement and deploy web service client and server. To understand the design principles and application of SOAP and REST based web services (JAX-Ws and JAX-RS).To understand WCF service. To design secure web services and QoS of Web Services
- Learner should get the understanding computer Graphics programming using Directx or Opengl.
Along with the VR and AR they should also aware of GPU, newer technologies and programming using most important API for windows.
Expected Learning Outcomes:
- After completion of this course, learner should get a clear understanding of AI and different search algorithms used for solving problems. The learner should also get acquainted with different learning algorithms and models used in machine learning.
- Understand various software testing methods and strategies. Understand a variety of software metrics, and identify defects and managing those defects for improvement in quality for given software. Design SQA activities, SQA strategy, and formal technical review report for software quality control an assurance.
- Understand the principles and practices of cryptographic techniques. Understand a variety of generic security threats and vulnerabilities, and identify & analyze particular security problems for a given application. Understand various protocols for network security to protect against the threats in a network.
- Emphasis on SOAP based web services and associated standards such as WSDL. Design SOAP based / RESTful / WCF services Deal with Security and QoS issues of Web Services.
- Learner should study Graphics and gamming concepts with present working style of developers where everything remains on internet and they need to review it, understand it, be a part of community and learn.
T.Y. B. Sc.
- To provide the comprehensive insight into theory of computation by understanding grammar, languages and other elements of modern language design. Also to develop capabilities to design and develop formulations for computing models and identify its applications in diverse areas.
- The objective of this course is to teach the learner how to use Object Oriented paradigm to develop code and understand the concepts of Core Java and to cover-up with the pre-requisites of Core java.
- Learners must understand proper working of operating system. To provide a sound understanding of Computer operating system, its structures, functioning and algorithms.
- To develop understanding of concepts and techniques for data management and learn about widely used systems for implementation and usage.
- To give the learner a broad exposure of combinatorial Mathematics through applications especially the Computer Science applications.
- To learn about SoC architectures; Learn how Raspberry Pi. Learn to program Raspberry Pi. Implementation of internet of Things and Protocols.
- To provide insight into emerging technologies to design and develop state of – the art web applications using client-side scripting, server-side scripting, and database connectivity.
Expected Learning Outcomes:
- Understand Grammar and Languages
- Learn about Automata theory and its application in Language Design
- Learn about Turing Machines and Pushdown Automata
- Understand Linear Bound Automata and its applications.
- Object oriented programming concepts using Java.
- Knowledge of input, its processing and getting suitable output.
- Understand, design, implement and evaluate classes and applets.
- Knowledge and implementation of AWT package.
- To provide a understanding of operating system, its structures and functioning
- Develop and master understanding of algorithms used by operating systems for various purposes.
- Master concepts of stored procedure and triggers and its use.
- Learn about using PL/SQL for data management
- Understand concepts and implementations of transaction management and crash Recovery.
- Appreciate beauty of combinatorics and how combinatorial problems naturally arise in many settings.
- Understand the combinatorial features in real world situations and Computer Science applications.
- Apply combinatorial and graph theoretical concepts to understand Computer Science concepts and apply them to solve problems.
- Enable learners to understand System On Chip Architectures.
- Introduction and preparing Raspberry Pi with hardware and installation.
- Learn physical interfaces and electronics of Raspberry Pi and program them using practical’s
- Learn how to make consumer grade IoT safe and secure with proper use of protocols.
- To design valid, well-formed, scalable, and meaningful pages using emerging technologies.
- Understand the various platforms, devices, display resolutions, viewports, and browsers that render websites
- To develop and implement client-side and server-side scripting language programs.
- To develop and implement Database Driven Websites.
- Design and apply XML to create a markup language for data and document centric applications.
T.Y. B. Sc.
- To understand the structure and operation of modern processors and their instruction sets
- The objective of this paper is to introduce various concepts of programming to the students using Python.
- Open Source has acquired a prominent place in software industry. Having knowledge of Open Source and its related technologies is an essential for Computer Science student. This course introduces Open Source methodologies and ecosystem to students.
- The objective of this course is to introduce the concept of the DBMS with respect to the relational model, to specify the functional and data requirements for a typical database application and to understand creation, manipulation and querying of data in databases
- The purpose of the course is to familiarize the prospective learners with mathematical structures that are fundamentally discrete. This course introduces sets and functions, forming and solving recurrence relations and different counting principles. These concepts are useful to study or describe objects or problems in computer algorithms and programming languages.
- The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with basics of Statistics. This will be essential for prospective researchers and professionals to know these basics.
- To help learners develop their soft skills and develop their personality together with their technical skills. Developing professional, social and academic skills to harness hidden strengths, capabilities and knowledge equip them to excel in real work environment and corporate life. Understand various issues in personal and profession communication and learn to overcome them
Expected Learning Outcomes:
- To learn about how computer systems work and underlying principles
- To understand the basics of digital electronics needed for computers
- To understand the basics of instruction set architecture for reduced and complex instruction sets
- To understand the basics of processor structure and operation
- To understand how data is transferred between the processor and I/O devices
- Students should be able to understand the concepts of programming before actually starting to write programs.
- Students should be able to develop logic for Problem Solving.
- Students should be made familiar about the basic constructs of programming such as data, operations, conditions, loops, functions etc.
- Students should be able to apply the problem solving skills using syntactically simple language i.e. Python
- Upon completion of this course, students should have a good working knowledge of Open Source ecosystem, its use, impact and importance.
- This course shall help student to learn Open Source methodologies, case studies with real life examples.
- Students should be able to evaluate business information problem and find the requirements of a problem in terms of data.
- Students should be able to design the database schema with the use of appropriate data types for storage of data in database.
- Students should be able to create, manipulate, query and back up the databases.
- To provide overview of theory of discrete objects, starting with relations and partially ordered sets.
- Study about recurrence relations, generating function and operations on them.
- Give an understanding of graphs and trees, which are widely used in software.
- Provide basic knowledge about models of automata theory and the corresponding formal languages.
- Enable learners to know descriptive statistical concepts
- Enable study of probability concept required for Computer learners
- To know about various aspects of soft skills and learn ways to develop personality
- Understand the importance and type of communication in personal and professional environment.
- To provide insight into much needed technical and non-technical qualities in career planning.
- Learn about Leadership, team building, decision making and stress management
Department of Statistics
F.Y. B. Sc.: Statistics
The objective of this course is to introduce Statistics to First Year Undergraduate students of Science, so that they can use them in the field of Science, Industry & research to solve the real life problems.
Expected learning Outcomes of the course:
- To acquire the basic skills in the Statistical studies.
- To use of Statistical data properly and logically.
- To use of Statistics in day-to-day life.
- To use of their Statistical knowledge in computer programming.
- To inculcate the research attitude among the students.